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Vol. 5 Núm. 1 (2022): EEAGSA special "Exploring Horizons"

"Exploring Horizons" is a special issue showcasing the graduate-level research taking place within the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. The abstracts recorded in this special issue were presented in the 14th Annual Graduate Research Showcase conference organized by the Elementary Education Graduate Students’ Association (EEGSA) and Secondary Education Graduate Students’ Association (SEGSA). The conference theme celebrated the innovative, inventive, and inspirational research of our graduate students and invites participants to consider the vast possibilities that emerge from thinking with, through, and beyond educational research horizons. The conference board was responsible for the peer-review process of the abstracts in this issue. Kimberly Edmonson, Yina Liu, and Katherine Koskie Co-Chaired the 14th Annual Graduate Research Showcase.

Publicado: 2022-09-02
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