
Ouvrir une session ou S'inscrire pour pouvoir faire une soumission.

Liste de vérification de la soumission

Les auteurs-es doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec l'ensemble des éléments suivants. Les soumissions non conformes pourraient être retournées aux auteurs-es.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it being considered by another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in the Microsoft Word .docx file format.
  • The author has prepared a statement explaining the paper and identifying any conflicts of interest. Insert this into the Comments for the Editor field during the submission process.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines and the Manuscript Template.
  • Includes a title page with the title and three key points.
  • Includes an abstract that is <250 words
  • Provides descriptive headings for key sections.
  • Has continuous line numbers throughout the text.
  • Figures and tables with their caption should be pasted at the end of the document.
  • Includes complete references following journal CSE style, and provides URLs for the references if available.
  • Has an acknowledgements section that includes:

    ο All funding information from each author pertaining to this work.

    ο Any conflicts of interest for any author that are not apparent from their affiliations or funding.

Directives aux auteurs-es

Click here to download a .docx version of the Submission Checklist.

Manuscript Formatting Guidelines

We recommend you download and use our template for submitting your manuscript to AAR journal. Please follow this link to access and download the document.
The following information is also included in the template document.
  • Please use the .docx format if possible (all versions of Word after 2007).
  • This document contains pre-set styles that apply to each manuscript element. Please keep these styles when pasting in your text:
    • Title: Times New Roman, size 14, bold
    • Authors: Times New Roman, size 12, bold
    • Affiliation: Times New Roman, size 12
    • Keywords: Times New Roman, size 12, bold
    • Key highlights: Times New Roman, size 12, bullet format
    • Abstract: Times New Roman, size 12
    • Text: Times New Roman, size 12
    • Headings (Main): Times New Roman, size 12, bold
    • Headings (Secondary): Times New Roman, size 12
    • References: Times New Roman, size 12
    • Figure or Table Captions: Times New Roman, size 12. Please bold the word Figure and its number, and if panels are incorporated bold the panel letter when referred in the caption.
  • If your manuscript has supporting information, please include it at the end of your formatted manuscript under the heading “Supporting information”.

General Formatting notes:

  • All text should be in Times New Roman
  • References should be formatted according to the CSE Style


Manuscript Composition

Suggested composition for each of the Article types is marked with an “X”, while empty fields are not recommended. Contact us at to request an exception, if necessary. 

Suggested composition




Title Page








Keywords & Key highlights
















Results & Discussion (combined)















Acknowledgements & Grants









x       (<30)

x     (<50)


Manuscript Composition Description

Title Page – all submissions must contain a title page. The title page contains the title of the article and three key points. 

Title – avoid unnecessary words, and do not exceed 160 characters (including spacing between words) 

Abstract – one paragraph; maximum 250 words. The abstract should state: what was done and why, what was found, and the conclusion. The Editors must be able to discern the purpose of the paper from the abstract alone.

Keywords – Three to five words relevant to the article are allowed (excluding Law specific Articles).

Key highlights – list the three main findings of your research. Each finding must be less than 190 characters (including spaces). 

Glossary – a glossary may be helpful in equation-laden articles, in which case the glossary specifies the units as well as each definition.

Introduction – a brief overview of the scope and relevance of the study, especially with regard to previous advancements in related fields.

Materials and Methods – Detailed description of Techniques, Models and/or Statistical methods. May also include supplies (including manufacturers and suppliers), conformity and guidelines of the study.

Results – Explicit experimental data and results. Explains any particular statistical significance of the data. (Attention: Do not compare samples from a different set of experiments).

Discussion – Interpretation of the data, especially compared with previously published material cited in the ‘References’.

References – List only references cited in the text of the manuscript. Follow the CSE Style

Appendix – an appendix may be included (and is often helpful) in mathematical modelling or computations papers (e.g. to provide details of a solution or strategy).

Acknowledgements & Grants – the authors may wish to thank people indirectly involved with the research (e.g. lab assistant), and financial supporting agencies (e.g. list the grants, fellowships and donations that funded (partially or completely) the research). Industry-sponsored grants should be listed under ‘Disclosures’.

Disclosures –Disclose to AAR any potential conflict of interest, financial or otherwise (e.g. list of industry-sponsored grants).

Article Types

Article type
Number of Words*


Brief communication of novel findings



Describes novel research

3,000 (legal articles up to 15,000)


Thorough evaluation of important research


*Number of words includes all words within the main text (e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion). Word count do not include figure captions, tables, Acknowledgement or References.

Submissions must

  1. Meet ethical requirements: e.g. all animal or human studies must contain an explicit statement that the protocols were approved by the board or governing office.
  2. Be original, and be respectful to additional scholarship. The Alberta Academic Review is strict against plagiarism. 
  3. Be approved by the Editor in Chief and assigned Editors.

Ensuring a Double-Blind Review

  • The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors' name, article title, etc
  • Author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (see under File in Word).

Note on uploading files: While this platform gives authors the ability to upload multiple files, we prefer that you upload one complete manuscript file containing text, figures, and any tables that are part of the main text. Further supplementary information can be added as separate documents, if necessary.


Posters are only accepted during special issue publications. Please talk to the editors to find out more. 

Déclaration de confidentialité

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