Kealey, Gregory, Spying on Canadians: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Security Service and the Origins of the Long Cold War.


  • Kevin Walby University of Winnipeg


Author Biography

Kevin Walby, University of Winnipeg

Kevin Walby is Associate Professor and Chancellor’s Research Chair, Department of Criminal Justice, University of Winnipeg. He has published over 110 journal articles and book chapters. He is co-author with R. Lippert of Municipal Corporate Security in International Context (2015, Routledge). He is co-editor of Access to Information and Social Justice: Critical Research Strategies for Journalists, Scholars and Activists with J. Brownlee (2015, ARP Books), National Security, Surveillance, and Terror: Canada and Australia in Comparative Perspective with R.K. Lippert, I. Warren and D. Palmer (2017, Palgrave), as well as The Handbook of Prison Tourism with J. Wilson, S. Hodgkinson, and J. Piche (2017, Palgrave). He is co-editor of the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons as well as book review editor for Surveillance & Society and Security Journal.


