Longitudinal Study of Social-environmental Predictors of Behavior: Children of Adolescent and Older Mothers Compared


  • Nicole Letourneau Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton New Brunswick
  • Cara. B. Fedick McGill University, Montreal Quebec
  • J. Douglas Willms University of New Brunswick, Fredericton New Brunswick
  • Miriam Stewart University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta
  • Kelly White University of New Brunswick, Fredericton New Brunswick




Compared to older, more educated mothers, adolescent mothers are more prone to less than optimal parenting interactions with their children. Moreover, adolescents’ children are more likely to experience developmental challenges. In this study, effects of social-environmental factors in the first two years of life on children’s anxiety and hyperactivity from age 2 to 8 were examined by analyzing Canadian longitudinal data. Initial levels of anxiety and hyperactivity were higher for children of adolescent mothers, and anxiety increased with age for all children. Female children displayed lower initial levels of hyperactivity than males, and females of adolescent mothers showed a steeper decrease in hyperactivity while males of adolescent mothers showed a steeper increase in hyperactivity than their counterparts parented by older mothers. Parenting, social support and other demographic factors were controlled for and the effects of these predictor variables on trajectories of anxiety and hyperactivity are discussed.


