On international migration: A review essay


  • Anthony C. Masi McGill University




International migration continues to reshape our world, sometimes in predictable ways, but often with unanticipated consequences. The four books reviewed here provide new information and important insights regarding migration and migrant adjustment. They do so either by dealing with the policy dimension of this vast topic (Freeman and Mirilovic; Phillimore) or by delving deeply into the issue of immigrant integration (Scholten et al.; Waters and Gerstein Pineau). These editors took four different approaches to their task: (1) a compilation of already published works on the topic (Phillimore); (2) original pieces on topics or countries but following a predetermined framework (Scholten, et al.); (3) chapters designed to test theories against available empirical information (Freeman and Mirilovic); and (4) a comprehensive group-written “state of the art” for a single country (Waters and Gerstein Pineau). Together, the books provide an impressive array of scholarship from a variety of disciplinary perspectives on the links between migration and social policy and on immigrant integration.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Anthony C. Masi, McGill University

Professor of Industrial Relations and Organizational Behaviour

Desautels Faculty of Management 






Review Essay