Talk/Reading/Voice: Re:search


  • Donna Patterson University of Regina
  • Lace Marie Brogden University of Regina


In this article, the authors embrace talk as space for emergence and possibilities. They flirt with the part reading plays (or might play) in conversations within the academy, recognizing such readings take multiple forms: individual, shared, in response, and in reaction (to name a few). To confront oneself with the not yet known is to witness what is forming or being called forth as its shaping emerges. Using co-constructed reading responses, the authors present examples from King’s (2003) The Truth about Stories as illustrations of their work together, where work, like talk, is about pushing the edges of what can be known and, more particularly, about what can(not) be said. The authors maintain finding voice through reading, research, and self-study helps shape collaborative work within the academy. This reveal encourages the mapping of unmapped but taken for granted parts of academic life, an already querying of method.





