Closing in on the Picture: Analyzing Interactions in Video Recordings


  • Marie Jeanne McNaughton University of Strathclyde


In this paper the author provides a detailed account of the processing and analyzing of data obtained through video recording during reflective practitioner research. She sets out five stages in the analysis of video recordings of classroom interactions during a series of educational drama lessons, from decisions relating to the selection of data for close analysis to the seeking of themes and finally to the presentation of conclusions. The researcher adapted and synthesized several processes derived from discourse analysis to produce a range of instruments for use in transcription and analysis of verbal and nonverbal discourse. These include a simple transcription key, classifications for verbal and nonverbal discourse, and a template for a transcription and analysis matrix.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Marie Jeanne McNaughton, University of Strathclyde

Senior lecturer, Department of Childhood and Primary Studies, University of Strathclyde





