Peer review
Sample text: Peer Review Policy and Guidelines
The Demo Journal uses a system of peer review in order to receive independent assessments of submitted articles. Not only does review assure the accuracy and quality of scholarship, but it can also provide opportunities for development and the extension of an author’s research through constructive critique and recommendations from their peers.
Demo Journal editors conduct anonymous review article abstracts and select articles that will enter a formal, double anonymous peer review process. Each article is subject to two reviews by anonymous peers mediated by the Journal’s editors. The Demo Journal’s peer review process is an opportunity for referees to participate in our mission to produce high-quality scholarship and create a supportive environment where emerging scholars can experience the review and editing process. Reviewers for Demo Journal are expected to provide personal and professional opinions based on their expertise and to deliver thoughtful and constructive feedback based on their consideration of the articles under review.
Please consider the following when conducting your review:
- When approached please agree to review only if you have the necessary experience and knowledge to assess the manuscript and can be unbiased in your assessment.
- Be specific in your critique, and provide supporting evidence with appropriate references to substantiate general statements, to help editors in their evaluation.
- Be constructive in your review, providing feedback that will help the authors to improve their manuscript.
- Be congenial and clear. Confidential comments to the editor should not be a place to denigrate the author, simply because they will not see them.
- Remember it is the author’s paper, which should not be rewritten in your own preferred style if it is basically sound and clear; suggestions for changes that improve clarity are, however, important.
- In addition, be aware of language issues that are due to the author writing in a language that is not their first or most proficient language, and phrase your feedback appropriately and with due respect.
- Comment on the quality and rigor of the work; If the article is not clear because of missing analyses, explain what additional discussion would clarify the argument.
Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of the peer-review process. Do not involve anyone else in the review of a manuscript (including early career researchers you are mentoring), without obtaining permission from the journal. The names of any individuals who have helped with the review should be included so that they are associated with the manuscript in the journal’s records and can also receive recognition for their efforts.
Bias and competing interests: It is important to remain unbiased in regard to the nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender or other characteristics of the authors, origins of a manuscript or by commercial considerations. If you discover a competing interest that might prevent you from providing a fair and unbiased review, notify the journal and seek advice Similarly, notify the journal as soon as possible if you find you do not have the necessary expertise to assess the manuscript.
Conflict of interest
All conflicts of interest should be declared by the author, editor, or reviewer. Conflicts of interest include:
- A financial or personal interest in the outcomes of the research;
- Undisclosed financial support for the research by an interested third party; ●
- A financial or personal interest in the suppression of the research;
A note to highlight the background to financial support for the research from third parties or any other possible conflict of interest must be added to the paper prior to review.
If a conflict of interest is suspected by a reviewer or reader, this concern should be reported to the editor or to the Editors in chief at A concern regarding an editor should be raised to Editors in chief or to the Digital Publishing Librarian ( Demo Journal will follow COPE action guidelines in cases of a suspected conflict of interest. The Demo Journal reserves the right to withdraw and rescind their acceptance of author materials if ethical misconduct is discovered prior to publication.
Sample texts have been take from the excellent Columbia University Libraries Digital Publishing Workshop Editorial Workbook © CC-BY 4.0