On our own terms

Towards a criticial intersectional 'femiLISt' movement


  • Danielle Allard School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta
  • Tami Oliphant School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta
  • Thane Chambers University of Alberta Libraries, University of Alberta




feminism(s), LIS


This paper reports on a systematic literature review of CAIS/ACSI and ASIS&T conference proceedings in order to identify, analyze, and map the presence and application of feminist theories, methods, and epistemologies across a sample of LIS research projects. We seek a better understanding of the application of feminist theories to LIS in order to a) identify how/where it has been taken up (and not taken up); b) identify feminist research themes and influence over time and across sub-domains; and perhaps most importantly, c) to consider how we might build on intersectional feminist theories and praxis in LIS in order to move toward a critical intersectional femiLISt movement that is embraced and embedded within our field.

Author Biographies

Tami Oliphant, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta

Dr. Oliphant is an associate professor at the School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta.

Thane Chambers, University of Alberta Libraries, University of Alberta

Thane is the Research Impact Librarian, University of Alberta Libraries, University of Alberta.




How to Cite

Allard, D., Oliphant, T., & Chambers, T. . (2022). On our own terms: Towards a criticial intersectional ’femiLISt’ movement. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS Actes Du congrès Annuel De l’ACSI. https://doi.org/10.29173/cais1246


