Educational Leaders As Change Agents Towards the Information Literate School


  • Maria Noemi M. Moncada



Over the last decade, the development of new information and communication Technologies (ICT) has provided a variety of opportunities for people all over the world. But still, the vast majority of society remains untouched by the digital revolution, creating real disparities between and within countries and socioeconomic groups. Undoubtedly, ICT plays a vital role in the future of our societies especially in Education. School heads, decision makers, local authorities and school librarians have significant role to play in the development of information literacy in schools. School principals trained in ICT should initiate information literacy in their schools and should provide support to secure cooperative deals and development aid. In the Philippine Educational System, schools located in affluent cities especially those schools in the capital are fully equipped with information infrastructure but too many schools in secondary cities and remote provinces are deprived of the tools to access information.


