A School Library Program Based on Information Literacy: A Case Study of National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park


  • Tsu-Jui Ma
  • Meng-Ling Lin
  • Tsu-Chun Ma




Known as IC design and other electronic device center, Science-Based Industrial Park recruits outstanding professionals, scholars, and engineers in high technologies in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park (abbreviated as NEHS) was established for their young offspring. Enrolled with various students from greater Science Park Area and overseas, this school engaged in experimental teaching and educational research which was supported by the government. With bountiful educational resources, library is playing a key role in information literacy. This article stresses the importance of the information literacy and Big6 model, and introduces the school library program in information literacy at NEHS. Finally, remodeling the school library program of NEHS with Big6 model is discussed


