Information Skills: The Reflections and Perceptions of Student Teachers


  • Kay Wilson



Part of the “information rich but knowledge poor” discussion concerns physical access to information, but another aspect relates to whether people can use the information they have accessed effectively. In education this is in relation to pupils, but it also concerns teachers. If teachers fail to understand the value and relevance of information skills to themselves as learners, will this create problems in developing those skills in their own pupils? This paper focuses on interviews with (1) professionals who have expectations of student teachers regarding information skills, (2) student teachers reflecting on their own information skills. The data is set within the context of information skills development and the present teacher training ethos in Scotland. Results so far indicate three main issues: first, a lack of understanding about the term information skills; second, a general inability to view information skills as generic skills in a holistic way; and third, an inability and/or lack of opportunity, in many cases, to reflect on abilities and shortfalls.


