The biomechanical significance of bifurcated cervical ribs in apatosaurine sauropods




Bifurcated cervical ribs have evolved infrequently in dinosaurs. Previously documented examples include those in abelisaurid theropods, leptoceratopsid ceratopsians, and turiasaurian sauropods. In apatosaurine sauropods a spectrum of cervical rib morphologies exists, from cervical ribs with small dorsal processes extending from the shafts to completely bifurcated cervical ribs. Similar dorsal processes are present in the dicraeosaurid Dicraeosaurus. The presence of dorsal processes and bifurcated cervical ribs suggests that the hypaxial neck muscles that inserted on the cervical ribs were oriented in divergent directions. In all the dinosaurian examples we have found, the cervical ribs are maximally bifurcated in the middle of the cervical series. We hypothesize that bifurcated cervical ribs are traces of diverging neck muscles that provided improved control in the middle of the neck, at some distance from both the head and the trunk.


Author Biography

Matt Wedel, Western University of Health Sciences

I am a vertebrate paleontologist, and my main areas of interest are sauropod dinosaurs and the evolution of pneumatic (air-filled) bones in dinosaurs and birds. I'm also interested in the evolution of heads and necks in vertebrates, and in the nervous systems of very large animals. I've been fortunate to coauthor three papers naming new dinosaurs: the sauropods Sauroposeidon (2000) and Brontomerus (2011), and the early horned dinosaur Aquilops (2014). I am currently an Associate Professor at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, where I teach gross anatomy. In 2016 my book "The Sauropod Dinosaurs: Life in the Age of Giants", with artist and lead author Mark Hallett, was published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

In my spare time I enjoy stargazing, and I write the monthly Binocular Highlights column and the occasional feature article for Sky & Telescope magazine.


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How to Cite

Wedel, M., & Taylor, M. (2023). The biomechanical significance of bifurcated cervical ribs in apatosaurine sauropods. Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology, 11, 91–100.


