Recent Judicial Decisions of Interest to Energy Lawyers


  • Matti Lemmens
  • Brett Carlson



The past year was a busy one for the energy industry, with many reported decisions of significance. Key decisions regarding constitutional jurisdiction, the duty to consult, and judicial review kept the industry in a pattern of optimism and hesitancy. This article summarizes a number of recent judicial decisions and provides commentary on their significance to Canada’s energy industry. In particular, decisions reviewed in this article cover subjects including constitutional division of powers, the Crown’s duty to consult, oil and gas leases and purchase and sale agreements, environmental remediation and liability, insolvency, intellectual property, tax, remedies and injunctive relief, class actions, conflict of laws, arbitration, and judicial review. In each case, the facts, a summary of the decision, and commentary on the outcomes and future implications for energy lawyers and the industry are canvassed. With the past year of decisions finishing with COVID-19 restrictions, the energy industry saw some of the most drastic change in recent memory. The industry will need to exercise perseverance in these tumultuous times in order to adapt, withstand, and recover from the changes of this past year.





