About the Journal

Important Note:  The journal will no longer be accepting submissions after August 31st, 2024 (due to the Editor retiring).  All accepted papers up to this date will be published in 2025.  All papers that have been published in the past will continue to be online and accessible. 

Focus and Scope

The Canadian Journal of Family and Youth (CJFY), published twice a year is an academic interdisciplinary journal. Responding to the diversification of scholarly interests and regional concerns, the journal will be an outlet for Canadian and comparative scholarship on the changing dynamics of the family and the social situation of youth. Relevant papers might come from any discipline including Criminology, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, English, Philosophy, Business or Science. Scholarly debates on family related themes could refer to such topics as community and other social contexts, family dynamics, life course events, domestic violence, dating, marriage, and divorce but also ethnicity, racism, social class, gender, and ageism. Youth-related themes could include family issues, community, education, paid and volunteer work, youth-directed marketing, sports, delinquency and gangs, and so on. Journal articles, reports, commentaries, poems, and short stories that are presented in accessible language will be welcome, along with book reviews on family and youth. The Editors also strongly encourage the submission of graduate and undergraduate student papers.

The Canadian Journal of Family and Youth is a member of the Canadian Association of Learned Journals.

Publication Frequency

The Canadian Journal of Family and Youth (CJFY) publishes one issue per year. All past issues are available through the Journal's archives.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.