April 16, 2017 – Notes of the Captain of the Spaceship sent to Planet of Exile


  • Deniz Basar




I started writing this story on the day after the constitutional referendum in Turkey, which took place on 16th of April, 2017. The referendum took place under a State of Emergency which meant that the legal structures which could check the elections were not functioning as they should have been. The referendum was about Turkey’s state system changing into a presidential system or not; and in the case of “yes” to the presidential system, the parliament would only have symbolic power beginning with the establishment of new constitution and current political power would have the legal basis to stay in power forever. The election turned out to be 51% “yes” after the High Electoral Board decided to accept ballots that had not been officially stamped (which “coincidentally” turned out to be approximately two million new “yes” ballots) a few hours before the election was about to result. I was in Toronto on that day, surrounded with my friends from Turkey working towards their PhDs in Toronto like me. My experience as a young person trying to deal in Canada alone had been deeply traumatizing despite my privileges like being able to speak English (with an accent), not being “illegal”, studying at the University of Toronto, and having enough economic sources to live. In Canada I, for the first time in my life, understood what it means to be stripped from my personhood and to negotiate on my own existence. I understood that the best immigrant is the quiet and grateful one, the one who doesn’t dare to see herself as equally human; and I was, and am, far away from that. On the day of the referendum my pride and human dignity were severely broken because of the incommunicable situation I was in (both for Canadians and for my friends and family in Turkey), and this story is about that. I hide it in the allegory to make it speakable.





