I Know Where Oysters Lie


  • Sarah Jane Moore University of New South Wales




This research honours the Baludarri (Sydney Rock Oyster). It is interdisciplinary in its approach and showcases the work of Australian born artist, Sarah Jane Moore. It presents key findings from an artistic residency at UNSW in Sydney, Australia, through the modalities of image, song and text. It highlights the importance of the humble oyster and maps an art-meets-science approach where Moore’s creative thinking seeks inspiration from her relationship with the work of an Indigenous scientist, Laura Parker. The oyster is Moore’s living data and the work maps the deep listenings necessary to foster communities that value reefs, hold oceans as sacred and regard the oyster as a precious entity to be celebrated, protected and nourished.

Author Biography

Sarah Jane Moore, University of New South Wales

Sarah Jane Moore, PhD, is an independent creative artist who lives in Lutruwita, Tasmania. Dr. Moore is an Adjunct Associate Lecturer within the Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES), UNSW  In 2019 she was the ANAT on country Synapse resident artist and this program enabled her to develop a deep and listening relationship with the Baludarri (Sydney Rock Oyster). With Wiradjuri Scientist Laura Parker as her muse, Sarah Jane's innovative interdisciplinary research dialogues celebrate oyster science through visual art practice, poetry and performance. She creates worlds and sings with oysters so that others may visualize, listen and connect to Sea Country.






Post Colonial Articles, Poetry, Artwork