What Hospitality is Not


  • Hembadoon Iyortyer Oguanobi Carleton University




A poem describing concern about what hospitality is not about, that is, how migration to a new place eventually changes an individual. It is about how a person will reinvent themself. It is about how  new taste and new ways of seeing are (re)discovered. It is about how one will familiarize themself with new beats and new rhythms aimed at repressing the memory of the ancient home.

Author Biography

Hembadoon Iyortyer Oguanobi, Carleton University

Hembadoon Iyortyer Oguanobi holds a doctorate in Law from the University of Durham, England, an LLM from the University of Hull, England, an MA in Education from the University of Ottawa, and an LLB from Cardiff University. Hembadoon is the recipient of the 2019 CACS Cynthia Chambers award. She teaches at the Department of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University. She has published in the Journal of World Intellectual Property, Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, and Education Journal-Revue de l’education.


