Contributor Biographies
Biographies providing background information and interests of those who contributed to this special issue of CPI.
Biographies providing background information and interests of those who contributed to this special issue of CPI.
Carol Lee is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa, which is located on unceded Anishinaabe territory. Her Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS ) funded doctoral research looks at collaborative youth story-making as an instrument of reconciliation. She is currently an Assistant Editor with the Journal for the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS).
Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry
Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry is an independent, bi-yearly, refereed educational journal that publishes essays, research notes, and book reviews pertaining to the wide and increasingly important intersections of culture, education and the general categories of social and ecological well-being. As an important component of its interdisciplinary foci, the journal assumes the critical relevance of the cultural and pedagogical perspective as the lens to all areas and possible paradigms of educational and socio-cultural developments.
Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry | ISSN 1916-3460
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