A Descriptive Catalogue of Indian Astronomical Instruments


In a post of 23 March 2019, Prof. Sarma said:

Since the release of the full catalogue in January 2018, I came to know of some new instruments. I have prepared a revised edition of the catalogue, after incorporating these new instruments and several indexes.

There has been a suggestion that a shorter version of the catalogue, consisting of all the introductory essays and appendices, but excluding the catalogue proper, would be easier for the general reader to handle. Following this suggestion, my son Ananda prepared the abridged version. 

The Revised Edition of the Catalogue (4454 pages) as well as the Abridged Version (656 pages) can be accessed at my homepage. With this I conclude my work on Indian astronomical instruments which I began long ago. 

I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to all the museums and the private collectors who permitted me to study the instruments in their possession and to the many friends and well-wishers across the globe who helped in various ways in the preparation of this catalogue. Special thanks are to my son Ananda who prepared the online version.

 S. R. Sarma

Publication website: https://srsarma.in/catalogue.php