“It’s a Trash”: Poetic Responses to the Experiences of a Mexican Egg Donor


  • Heather L. Walmsley University of British Columbia
  • Susan Cox University of British Columbia
  • Carl Leggo University of British Columbia



Mots-clés :

poetic inquiry, reproductive tourism, Mexico, Canada, transnational, egg donation, found poetry,


This paper explores the use of found poetry as interpretive and aesthetic inquiry into the meaning and experience of reproductive tourism. The context is an ethnographic study of transnational egg donation, focusing upon the fertility services industry in Cancun, Mexico. Our source is an audio-recorded interview conducted with Maria, a young Mexican woman who struggles to maintain her integrity as a single mother donating eggs to a fertility clinic. Drawing upon Maria’s story, we experiment with three forms of found poetry as a method for listening deeply to her voice. In this paper, we share our research process, poems, and reflections.


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Comment citer

Walmsley, H. L., Cox, S., & Leggo, C. (2017). “It’s a Trash”: Poetic Responses to the Experiences of a Mexican Egg Donor. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 2(1), 58–88. https://doi.org/10.18432/R2QG9Q