Creating a Warmth Against the Chill: Poetry for the Doctoral Body


  • Esther Fitzpatrick The University of Auckland
  • Mohamed Alansari The faculty of education and social work The University of Auckland


Mots-clés :

poetry conversation, neo-liberal, doctoral student, body, affective-political


Using a series of poetry conversations, the authors give voice to their experiences of the doctoral process to illuminate the emotional and affective-political experience, and engage with the neo-liberal powers of the doctoral journey. They write poems to remember the body, and bring justice to the many bodies that have experienced the chill inside the “ivory tower.”

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Esther Fitzpatrick, The University of Auckland

Esther Fitzpatrick is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland, where she specializes in education, postcolonial identities, arts-based research, decolonising methodologies, and culturally responsive pedagogy. She has published in journals such as Qualitative Inquiry, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies, and The Ethnographic Edge.

Mohamed Alansari, The faculty of education and social work The University of Auckland

Mohamed Alansari Is a research fellow at the faculty of education and social work, University of Auckland. He is a member of the Quantitative Data Analysis and Research (Quant-DARE) unit where he is responsible for managing and performing secondary analyses on large-scale data sets and providing consultation services to staff and students on statistical matters. His research areas include the social psychology of higher education, and students’ academic aspirations.


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Comment citer

Fitzpatrick, E., & Alansari, M. (2018). Creating a Warmth Against the Chill: Poetry for the Doctoral Body. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 3(1), 208–228.