
Re-Stitching Fissures Through Affect in Families with a Family Member who is Labelled as Disabled


  • Marieke Vandecasteele Special Needs Eduction Ghent University
  • Elisabeth De Schauwer Special Needs Education Ghent University
  • Inge Blockmans Special Needs Education Ghent University
  • Geert Van Hove Special Needs Education Ghent University


Ключевые слова:

arts-based research, siblings, disability label, family fissures, creating, affect


Creativity and affect in families with a family member, who is labelled as disabled, is central in this article. These families are often pinned down to individual, closed categories where everything revolves around the label “disability.” Our research goes beyond binary thinking in terms of abled/disabled and other linear explanations by using artistic processes as ethnography. We start from encounters between two people who both created something about their “non-ordinary” brothers. One (first author) made a shortfilm/documentary about her own family, the other (research participant) wrote a TV series about a man who takes care of his brother after their mother’s death, which was not autobiographical yet inspired by his own experiences. The first author distilled etchings from their encounters, which piece together different layers: the scenarist’s biographical story, the story of creating the series, the series’ script and the first author’s thoughts and readings. The concept of re-touche—of touching and being touched, and in this way returning to family fissures and creating something new from them—runs through this art-based project.

Биографии авторов

Marieke Vandecasteele, Special Needs Eduction Ghent University

Marieke Vandecasteele is working as researcher/filmmaker at the Department of Special Needs Education, Ghent University. Drawing on auto visual ethnography, she investigates family culture of people labelled with a disability within the theoretical framework of Disability Studies, always starting from the creativity that lives within families.

Elisabeth De Schauwer, Special Needs Education Ghent University

Elisabeth De Schauwer works as a guest professor in Disability Studies at Ghent University. Her research centres on “difference” and its influence on relationships. She is interested in strengthening interdisciplinary links between pedagogy and other disciplines like philosophy, feminism, anthropology,...

Inge Blockmans, Special Needs Education Ghent University

Inge Blockmans explores embodiment and people’s potential for movement in her ethnographic fieldwork and body work practices. She is intrigued by how people deal with be(com)ing (perceived as) different in current socio-political climates ; how norms work on/through material-discursive practices; how fragile mo(ve)ments of breaking normative flows can happen.

Geert Van Hove, Special Needs Education Ghent University

Geert Van Hove has a background in educational studies and has been, for many years, Head of the Disability Studies Research Group at the Department of Special Needs Education, Ghent University. As a researcher, his field of interest encompasses Disability Studies and inclusive education.



Как цитировать

Vandecasteele, M., De Schauwer, E., Blockmans, I. ., & Van Hove, G. . (2021). Re-touche: Re-Stitching Fissures Through Affect in Families with a Family Member who is Labelled as Disabled. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 6(2), 478–504.