Exiled Poetics

Glück, Darwish, and A Transnational Edenic Imagination




Ключевые слова:

poetics, transnational poetics, Edenic imagination, poetic inquiry, Darwish, Glück


Taking up the writings of Louise Glück and Mahmoud Darwish, this essay (re)searches the place and potential of a transnational, Edenic imagination as a vision of belonging amidst the alienation of modern life. Where a transnational poetics rejects ossified borders and boundaries, seeking porosity and imaginative possibilities that work across, around, through, and in-between, an Edenic imagination embraces a consciousness that simultaneously holds holy memory alongside longing for transcendence; so too do these ways of reading and seeing refract in the art-making I attempt as I seek the invisible web of connective, human tissue present in the poetic renderings of Eden by Glück and Darwish. As forces of modernity, colonization, and globalization maim and sever, a transnational, Edenic imagination gives language and location to our thirst for sacred inhabitance. As a method of inquiry, such a reading invites both researcher and reader to dwell in the liminal space of poetics.

Guided by the poetic explorations of Eden and exile by Glück and Darwish, I work to consider how poetry itself becomes a hybrid site of belonging. The hope is that, through a deep (re)reading of the verses in which Glück and Darwish employ Eden as a metaphor, poetic inquiry might provide a way for us to more fully traverse categories of life, death, time, longing, space, and culture, exploring the complex matrices of our human experience and pursuit of home. 

Биография автора

Megan Davis, Teachers College, Columbia University

Megan Davis is a doctoral student in English Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. As an English teacher she developed a love for creative writing, contemporary poetry, and dialogic classrooms. Meg is interested in poetry pedagogy, poetic inquiry, and practices that invite poetics more effectively and wholeheartedly into the English classroom. 




Как цитировать

Davis, M. (2022). Exiled Poetics: Glück, Darwish, and A Transnational Edenic Imagination. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 7(2), 351–368. https://doi.org/10.18432/ari29676



Art/Research Theoretical Musings