Beadworking as an Indigenous Research Paradigm


  • Tiffany Dionne Prete University of Alberta


Anahtar Kelimeler:

beadwork- Indigenous quantitative research- Indigenous mixed method research- Indigenous qualitative research- Indigenous paradigm- Blackfoot


In this article, I outline three principles that form the conceptual basis of an emerging Indigenous research paradigm that I call beadworking. I then relate how beadworking informs my understanding of and engagement with an Indigenous research methodology. Beadworking addresses how Indigenous Peoples’ creation of beadwork can be used to help Indigenous researchers navigate the research process, while being grounded from within an Indigenous worldview. It is my hope that in sharing my research paradigm, it will inspire other Indigenous researchers to define and articulate their own research paradigms through the unique positionality of their own Indigenous People.

Yazar Biyografisi

Tiffany Dionne Prete, University of Alberta

Dr. Prete is a member of the Blood Tribe of the Blackfoot Confederacy, and received her doctor of philosophy in Indigenous Peoples Education at the University of Alberta. She is currently an adjunct faculty member at the University of Alberta. As well, she works as a sessional instructor for Red Crow Community College on her home reserve.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Prete, T. D. (2019). Beadworking as an Indigenous Research Paradigm. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 4(1), 28–57.