
  • Caroline Lenette University of New South Wales Sydney
  • Isobel Blomfield University of New South Wales Sydney
  • Arash Bordbar Youth Advocates for Refugees
  • Hayatullah Akbari Youth Advocates for Refugees
  • Anyier Yuol Western Sydney University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

participatory research- collaborative research- agency- ethical decision-making- protagonists-filmmakers


Participatory video involves co-researchers using digital or video cameras to create their own videos and present issues according to their sense of what is important. In 2018, the authors—including three co-researchers from refugee backgrounds—collaborated through participatory video research to document views on better access and participation in higher education. Here, we reflect on key ethical issues encountered and share lessons learnt from our project. Our aim is not to discredit this methodology but to contribute new discussions on how participatory video can be used effectively as a form of self-representation to target wide audiences and effect social and policy change. This way, debates on the social and political potentialities of arts-based methods such as participatory video can be expanded. Since deploying participatory video in forced migration research is a relatively novel approach, there is much scope to expand the contours of knowledge on its potential to reach diverse audiences and open up new opportunities for social and political impact.

Yazar Biyografisi

Caroline Lenette, University of New South Wales Sydney

Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences

Senior Research Associate, Australian Human Rights Institute


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Lenette, C., Blomfield, I., Bordbar, A., Akbari, H., & Yuol, A. (2020). SELF-REPRESENTATION IN PARTICIPATORY VIDEO RESEARCH: ETHICS AND LESSONS LEARNT. Art/Research/International:/A/Transdisciplinary/Journal, 5(2), 399–424.