About the Journal
Constellations is a student-run, student-written, and student-reviewed undergraduate journal, using a traditional peer-review system common to academic journals. Established in 2009, Constellations is the longest-running undergraduate journal at the University of Alberta.
Constellations strives to provide a forum for young scholars of history, classics, and religion to have the experience of writing for an academic journal. In order to maximize the number of opportunities for undergraduate students to have their work published, Constellations is very broad in its scope and will accept papers on any topic so long as the subject or methodology engages with the fields of history, classics, and religion. Submissions are accepted from all of the University of Alberta campuses (Main Campus, Augustana and Campus St. Jean), and may be in either French or English.
We are looking for 3XX and 4XX level papers that received a minimum of an A- grade, or independently written papers of equivalent quality.
Constellations operates as an auxilliary of the History, Classics, and Religious Studies Undergraduate Society (HCRUS). For more information about their operations an events, email them at hcus@ualberta.ca, visit their Instagram @uofahcrus, or join their Discord.
Peer Review Process
The peer-review system is a method used by academic journals to best ensure that published articles are academically rigorous, well written, and well researched. Once the author submits their paper, the editor reviews the paper and assigns a minimum of two reviewers. These reviewers do not know who the author is, nor does the author know who reviewed the manuscript. This ensures that the reviewing process is as unbiased as possible. After the reviewers have reviewed the manuscript, they will determine whether the manuscript should be rejected, accepted with major adjustments, or accepted with few to no adjustments. The reviewed manuscripts are then returned to the author so that they can make necessary revisions.
After reviews and revisions are complete, the editors decide which manuscripts to include in the current issue. Final adjustments and corrections will then be made, after which the issue will be published! This high level of reviewing and editing means that deadlines must absolutely be followed, at risk of manuscripts not being not be included in the journal.
Publication Frequency
Constellations may publish either once or twice a year, at the editors' discretion. 2024/25 is expected to publish both a Fall 2024 and a Winter 2025 issue.
If you have questions about submissions or reviewing, please email: constellations.journal@ualberta.ca
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.