Editors' Note


  • Jean Middleton
  • Emily Kaliel




We are happy to present the Winter 2017 Edition of Constellations that is comprised of six outstanding undergraduate works. The edition is loosely tied together by a theme of material history and showcases the diverse, but consistently excellent work of our undergraduate students here at the University of Alberta.

The Winter 2017 Edition includes:

Curries, Chutneys and Imperial Britain investigates the intriguing correlation between British imperialism in India and Indian food in British society. Incredibly relevant to the world today “Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses” American Responses to the Indochinese and Syrian Refugee Crises explores the the contributing factors to American’s feelings to refugees.Revolutionary Gender Equality: The Dimensions and Limits of Female Emancipation in the Sandinista Revolution provides an intriguing analysis of the changes to women’s expected roles during revolution. Neither Full Nor Flat: Women, Representation and Politics in Walter Scott's Rob Roy an analysis of women’s role in the novel as indication of the contemporary politics. ‘Daring to Ride Skirtless’: Anti-Fashion and Emancipation for the New British Woman, 1880-1910 provides an interesting look into the role of fashion in women’s emancipation. Custodians of Morality, Motherhood, and Whiteness: Sex Education for Girls in American Schools During the 1920s explores the emergence of sex education programs in the United States the implications on the social roles of young girls and women.

Thank you for your interest in Constellations. We are indebted to our volunteers for all of their hard work that went into this edition. We would like to thank the Department of History and Classics for their support of Constellations.


Emily Kaliel and Jean Middleton

Assistant Editors:

Lee Klippenstein and Sean Oliver

Senior Reviewers:

Connor Thompson

Emily Tran

Bronte Wells



How to Cite

Middleton, J., & Kaliel, E. (2017). Editors’ Note. Constellations, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.29173/cons29335



Editor's Note