All that Glitters is not Gold: Culturally responsive online assessment and pedagogy in uncertain times


  • Kim Koh University of Calgary
  • Kadriye Ercikan University of British Columbia
  • Jennifer Lock University of Calgary
  • Cecille DePass University of Calgary



Call for submissions for the Summer, 2023 issue of Cultural and Pedigogical Inquiry entitled All that Glitters is not Gold: Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedigogy in Uncertain Times.

Author Biographies

Kim Koh, University of Calgary

Senior Guest Editor for the Summer, 2023 (Vol. 15, No.1) issue of Cultural and pedagogical Inquiry entitled "All that Glitters is not Gold: Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times. Dr. Koh is a Professor in Educational Assessment and Measurement, and serves as the Chair of Educational Studies in Learning Sciences at the Werklund School of Education in Calgary.

Kadriye Ercikan, University of British Columbia

Co-editor of the Summer 2023 issue of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry Special Issue "All that Glitters is not Gold: Culturally Responsie Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times. Dr. Ercikan is a Professor Emeritis from the University of British Columbia and Director of the Cross-Cultural Assessment & Research Methods in Education (CARME) Research Lab.

Jennifer Lock, University of Calgary

Co-Editor of the Summer 2023 Special Issue of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry entitled "All that Glitters is not Gold: Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times. Dr. Lock is a Professor and the Vice Dean in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. Her area of specialization is in Educational Technology.

Cecille DePass, University of Calgary

Co-Editor of the Summer, 2023 Special Issue of Cultural and Pedigogical Inquiry entitled: "All that Glitters is not Gold: Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times". Dr. DePass is a Professor Emeritis from the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary and Co-Editor of CPI.


