CPI Welcomes the Summer 2023 Special Issue “All That Glitters is Not Gold: Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times” with Kim Koh, Jennifer Lock, and Cecille DePass, invited Guest Editors


  • Cecille DePass University of Calgary
  • Ali A. Abdi University of British Columia




Introduction to the Summer 2023 Issue of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry (Volume 15, Number 1) entitled “All That Glitters is Not Gold:  Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times”  welcoming guest editors Kim Koh, Jennifer Lock, and Cecille DePass.  This Special Issue concentrates on culturally responsive, online assessment and pedagogy and addresses the ways in which educators and students grappled with online educational experiences during the 2020-2023 global pandemic

Author Biographies

Cecille DePass, University of Calgary

Dr. Cecille DePass is an Associate Professor Emerita from the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, and is Co-founder and Editor of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry.

Ali A. Abdi, University of British Columia

Dr. Ali A. Abdi is Professor of Social Development Education in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of British Columbia and is a Co-Founder and Editor of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry.


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