CPI Special Issue: "All That Glitters is Not Gold: Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times"





Introduction to the Summer, 2023 (Volume 15, No. 10) Special Issue of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry titled "All That Glitters is Not Gold: Culturally Responsive Online Assessment and Pedagogy in Uncertain Times featuring Guest Editors Kim Koh, Jennifer Lock and Cecelle  DePass. This Special Issue captures poems, narratives, reflections, and studies on assessment and pedagogical practices from elementary schools to initial teacher preparation programs during the pandemic. 

Author Biographies

Kim Koh, University of Calgary

Dr. Kim Koh is a Professor and Chair of Learning Sciences from the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary.

Jennifer Lock, University of Calgary

Dr. Jennifer Lock is a Professor and Vice Dean of the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.

Cecille DePass, University of Calgary

Dr. Cecille DePass is an Associate Professor Emerita at the University of Calgary, and Co-Founder and Editor of Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry.


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