Applying Culturally Relevant Pedagogy to Online Learning




Despite the prevalence of online learning in higher education, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is limited literature about what constitutes effective culturally relevant and responsive online teaching. While online education has revolutionized learning by increasing educational access and opportunities to students, it has also led to an increase in classroom diversity, leaving instructors to struggle with how to create and foster a culturally relevant and responsive learning environment. In this paper, as an online educator who teaches graduate level Education courses, I examine culturally relevant pedagogy and reflect on my practices that focus on diversity, equity, and social justice. I will conclude by sharing strategies that educators can utilize in creating culturally relevant and responsive online courses.

Author Biography

Sepideh Mahani, Yorkville University

Sepideh Maani, PhD, is the Associate Dean and the Chair of Education Leadership in the Faculty of Education at Yorkville University. She holds degrees in Education Leadership (PhD and MEd), Political Science (BA), and Teaching English to Foreign Learners (TEFL).  Her research interests span a wide range of issues including diversity in education, first-generation students, motherhood and academia and culturally relevant pedagogy.


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