Persuasive Evidence: Improving Customer Service through Evidence Based Librarianship


  • Wendy Anne Abbott Bond University Library



Objective - To demonstrate how evidence based practice has contributed to informing decisions and resolving issues of concern in service delivery at Bond University Library.

Methods - The paper critically analyses three evidence based research projects conducted at Bond University Library. Each project combined a range of research methods including surveys, literature reviews and the analysis of internal performance data to find solutions to problems in Library service delivery. The first research project investigated library opening hours and the feasibility of twenty-four hour opening. Another project researched questions about the management of a collection of feature films on DVD and video. The third project investigated issues surrounding the teaching of EndNote to undergraduate students.

Results - Despite some deficiencies in the methodologies used, each evidence based research project had positive outcomes. One of the highlights and an essential feature of the process at Bond University Library was the involvement of stakeholders. The ability to build consensus and agree action plans with stakeholders was an important outcome of that process.

Conclusion - Drawing on the experience of these research projects, the paper illustrates the benefits of evidence based information practice to stimulate innovation and improve library services. Librarians, like most professionals, need to continue to develop the skills and a culture to effectively carry out evidence based practice.


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Author Biography

Wendy Anne Abbott, Bond University Library

Associate Director, Customer Services Bond University Library




How to Cite

Abbott, W. A. (2006). Persuasive Evidence: Improving Customer Service through Evidence Based Librarianship. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 1(1), 58–68.



Research Articles