The Use of Value Engineering in the Evaluation and Selection of Digitization Projects


  • Michael H. Boock Oregon State University Libraries
  • May Chau Oregon State University Libraries



Objective - The authors describe a simple and effective tool for selecting digitization projects from competing alternatives, providing decision makers with objective, quantitative data.

Methods - The paper adopts the value engineering methodology for the selection, evaluation and ranking of digitization project proposals. Project selection steps are described. Selection criteria are developed. Digitization costs are presented as an equation. Project value is determined by calculating projected performance of digital collections based on the established criteria over cost.

Results - Scenarios are presented that evaluate and rank projects based on an evaluation of performance criteria and cost. The communication and use of rating criteria provides selectors with information about how proposed collections are evaluated. The transparency of the process output is easily communicated to stakeholders.

Conclusions - Value engineering methodology provides a tool and a process that gives decision makers a set of objective, quantitative data upon which selection of digitization projects is based. This approach simplifies the selection process, and creates transparency so that all stakeholders are able to see why a decision was made.


Author Biographies

Michael H. Boock, Oregon State University Libraries

Assistant Professor, Head of Technical Services

May Chau, Oregon State University Libraries

Associate Professor, Agriculture Librarian




How to Cite

Boock, M. H., & Chau, M. (2007). The Use of Value Engineering in the Evaluation and Selection of Digitization Projects. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 2(3), 76–86.



Research Articles