EBL and Library Assessment: Two Solitudes?


  • Pam Ryan Production Editor




As Booth notes in a recent commentary on the conceptual and practical links between performance measurement and evidence based library and information practice (EBLIP), there has been a discernable creep among segments of the library community that seemingly existed as two solitudes: those in evidence based librarianship (EBL) circles and those in the library assessment practitioners group. Beginning in 2005, individuals from one group have been showing up at the others’ conferences and events to discuss their methods, frameworks and processes. Are these separate movements within librarianship forming theoretical bridges? Is some sort of merger, fusion or takeover in the future? Or are these simply collegial discussions about our evidence?based leanings in librarianship?


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Author Biography

Pam Ryan, Production Editor

Pam is the Interim Head, Science and Technology Library at the University of Alberta Libraries. Prior to this appointment, Pam was the University of Alberta Libraries' Assessment Librarian following on five years serving as Public Services Librarian (Science) in the Science and Technology Library. She is active in professional activities related to the assessment of academic library services and is the founder of the http://www.libraryassessment.info community blog. Pam has served in a number of other professional capacities including a recent term as the President of the Library Association of Alberta, and as a facilitator of the Northern Exposure to Leadership Institute. Pam was a member of the local organizing committee of the 2nd International EBL conference, and is a member of the the EBL interest group of the Canadian Library Association. Pam is interested in data-based decision making for developing and improving user-centered academic library services. Pam earned both her BA and MLIS from the University of Alberta.




How to Cite

Ryan, P. (2006). EBL and Library Assessment: Two Solitudes?. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 1(4), 77–80. https://doi.org/10.18438/B8MK53


