Enabling Scientists: Serving Sci-Tech Library Users with Disabilities.
Theme: Public Service in the Electronic Library
Service to library users with disabilities has been the subject of numerous books, articles, and presentations, but it is useful to consider this issue specifically in the context of science libraries for several reasons. In the United States we acknowledge an established need for scientists, but have long overlooked the pool of scientific interest and talent among individuals with disabilities. Sci-tech librarians can play a significant role in the encouragement of scientific talent among library users with disabilities by making the library environment accessible and ensuring as much as possible the independent access to information that is so critical to scientific endeavor. Some of the specific ways librarians in sci-tech libraries can contribute to an accessible electronic library environment include developing basic familiarity with relevant assistive technologies, creating accessible web pages, monitoring accessibility of electronic databases purchased for the library, and by preparing accessible bibliographic instructional activities.
Applin, M.B. 1999. Instructional services for students with disabilities. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 25(2): 139-141.
Coonin, B. 2001. Establishing accessibility for e-journals: a suggested approach. Library Hi-Tech, in press.
EASI: Equal Access to Software and Information. 2001. Science & Math Resources. [Online]. Available: {http://web.archive.org/web/20071230030555/http://www.rit.edu/~easi/easisem.htm [September 1, 2001].
Grose, T. 2000. An untapped talent pool. Prism Online (American Society for Engineering Education) November. [Online]. Available: {http://www.asee.org/prism/nov00/untapped/untapped.cfm}. [October 1, 2001].
Hayes, B. 1996. Speaking of mathematics. American Scientist 84(2): 110(4).
Hoffert, S.P. 1998. Associations' Programs Aid Aspiring Disabled Scientists. The Scientist 12(6):3. [Online]. Available: {http://www.deepdyve.com/lp/the-scientist/associations-programs-aid-aspiring-disabled-scientists-the-scientist-jQ1gyl9vcq} [August 15, 2001].
Holden, C. 1998. Leveling the playing field for scientists with disabilities. Science 282(5386): 36-7.
Knuth, D. 1986. The TEXbook. Reading, MA: American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI and Addison-Wesley Publ. Co.
Kerscher, G. 2001. Daisy Consortium: information technology for the world's blind and print-disabled population - past, present, and into the future. Library Hi-Tech 19(1):11-15.
Mates, B. 2000. The Online Version Adaptive Technology for the Internet: Making Electronic Resources Accessible to All [Online]. Available: {http://www.ala.org/editions/openstacks/insidethecovers/mates/mates_toc.html} [August 20, 2001].
National Science Foundation. 2000. Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering [Online]. Available: {http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/wmpd/} [August 5, 2001].
Noble, S. 1999. Accessible text formats. In: Accessible Libraries on Campus: a practical guide for the creation of disability-friendly libraries (edited by T. McNulty), pp.49-62. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Paciello, M. 2000. Web Accessibility for People With Disabilities. Lawrence, KS: CMP Publications.
Page, D. 1998. The case of the blind leading the chemist. High Technology Careers Magazine [Online]. Available: {http://www.hightechcareers.com/doc898/assistive898.html} [August 1, 2001].
Sankaran, N. 1995. Scientists with disabilities must confront societal as well as physical challenges. The Scientist 9(2):1 [Online]. Available {http://www.deepdyve.com/lp/the-scientist/scientists-with-disabilities-must-confront-societal-as-well-as-SO4r0K0iiA} [August 5, 2001].
Stern, V. & Summers, L. 1995. AAAS Resource Directory of Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities. Washington, D.C.: American Academy for the Advancement of Science.
Weisgerber, R.A. 1991. The Challenged Scientists. New York: Praeger.
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