The Web-Based Academic Field Trip Bibliography: A Multi-Use Library Tool
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Field trip courses are part of the academic curriculum of many disciplines, especially in the sciences. This article examines the process of creating web-based field trip bibliographies in support of field trip courses, and their value to academic librarians as tools for reference service, instruction, collection development, partnering with teaching faculty, and public relations.
Bichteler, J. 1991. Geologists and gray literature: Access, use, and problems. Science and Technology Libraries 11:39-50.
Brandt, D.S. 1996. Evaluating information on the Internet. Computers in Libraries 16:44-46.
Derksen, C.R.M. 1991. Overlooked sources of information: Geologic field trip guidebooks. Compass 68:100-103.
Geoscience Information Society Union List of Field Trip Guidebooks Committee, eds. 1996. Union list of geologic field grip guidebooks of North America. Alexandria, VA: American Geological Institute.
Wallace, H.E. 1978. Geological field trip guidebooks: Bibliographic problems. Special Libraries 69:291-295.
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