Open Access and Scholarly Communication — A Selection of Key Web Sites
Presents a list of Web sites that are related to open access and scholarly communication.; Arl.or/sparc/;
Anderson, R. 2004 Open access in the real world. College & Research Libraries News 65(4):206-08.
Bailey, C.W., Jr. 2005. Open Access Bibliography. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, [Online]. Available: {} [9 April 2005].
Branin, J.J. and Case, M. 1998. Reforming scholarly publishing in the sciences: a librarian perspective. The Notices of the American Mathematical Society 45(4):475-86.
Crawford, B.D. 2003. Open-access publishing: where is the value? The Lancet 8:362(9395):1578-80.
Fowler, D.C. 2004. E-serials Collection Management; Transitions, Trends, and Technicalities. New York: The Haworth Information Press.
Greenbaum, D., et. al. 2003. An analysis of the present system of scientific publishing: what's wrong and where to go from here. Interdisciplinary Science Review 28(4):293-01.
Guterman, L. 2004. The Promise and peril of 'Open Access'. Chronicle of Higher Education 50(21):A10-3.
Harnad, S. 2003. For whom the gate tolls? How and why to free the refereed research literature online through author/institution self-archiving, now. In: Digital Libraries: Policy Planning and Practice (ed. by Law, D. & Andrews, J.), Ashgate Publishing [Online]. Available: [9 April 2005].
Liblicense-l; electronic discussion board on electronic content licensing for academic and research libraries [Online]. Available: [9 April 2005].
Liblicense-l archives. [Online]. Available: [9 April 2005].
Orsdel, L.F. and Born, K. 2004. Closing in on open access. Library Journal 129(7):45-50.
Plutchak, T.S. 2004. Embracing open access. Journal of the Medical Library Association 92(1):1-3.
Poynder, R. 2004. Ten years after. Information Today 21(9). [Online]. Available: [9 April 2005].
Prosser, D. 2004. The view from Europe: creating international change. College & Research Libraries News 65(5) [Online]. Available: {} [9 April 2005].
Public Library of Science. 2004. Evidence from the Public Library of Science. [Online]. Available: {} [9 April 2005].
Public Library of Science. 2004. Publishing Open-Access Journals; a Brief Overview from the Public Library of Science. San Francisco, CA [Online]. Available: {} [9 April 2005].
Schroter, S., et al. 2005. Perceptions of open access publishing: interviews with journal authors. BMJ 330(7494):756. Epub 2005 January 26.
Serials Review 2004 30(4):257-381. Special issue: Open Access 2004 [9 April 2005].
Stern, D. 2005. Open Access or differential pricing for journal: the road best traveled? Information Today 29(2). [Online]. Available: [9 April 2005].
Suber, P. 2003 Removing barriers to research. College & Research Libraries News 64(2):92-4, 113.
Susman, T.M., et al. 2003. Publisher Mergers: a Consumer-based Approach to Antitrust Analysis. Washington, D. C. The Alliance, [Online]. Available: {} [9 April 2005].
Tamber, P.S. 2003. Open access to peer-reviewed research: making it happen. The Lancet 362(9395):1575-7.
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