Editorial Team


Dr. Meridith Lovell-Johnston is an associate professor in the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University’s Orillia Campus. Meridith graduated with her PhD in language and literacy from the University of Alberta in 2014. Her research areas include reading pedagogy and assessment and the integration of technology into teaching. Her most recent projects investigate the implementation of literacy and inquiry practices within the Full-Day Kindergarten model in Ontario and the development of self-regulation and literacy capacity amongst Indigenous children in Northern Ontario.

Associate Editors

Dr. Gail Cormier is an Assistant Professor in Language, Literacy and Curriculum at the Faculty of Education at Université de Saint-Boniface in Manitoba where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses. Her PhD research, for which she earned a SSHRC Joseph Armand Bombardier doctoral scholarship, focused on Linguistic Landscapes in secondary schools in Manitoba where French was the language of instruction. Her research interests include scholastic linguistic landscapes, language education in minority and French immersion contexts, multimodal literacy in second language education, sociolinguistics and language awareness.

Dr. Xiaoxiao Du is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba. She holds an MA, an MEd, a PhD in language and literacy from Western University. She is the past president of Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada and has taught different age groups in public and private settings in Canada and beyond. Her research areas include multiliteracies, multimodal meaning making, multilingual and multicultural literacy practices, identity construction, and literacies across different domains. 

Dr. Jacqueline Filipek is an Associate Professor at The King's University in Edmonton, Alberta. She teaches literacy and language arts curriculum courses as well as educational technologies. Her research interests include digital and transliteracies in elementary contexts. She received her PhD in language and literacy from the University of Alberta.

Dr. Martine Pellerin is professor and associate dean of research and innovation at the Faculty Saint-Jean, University of Alberta. Her scholarship background is in the field of second language acquisition and educational technologies. She taught French Immersion (K-12) for over 20 years and is involved in professional development for teachers through collaborative action research (CAR). She teaches courses in the undergraduate and graduate programs in the areas of early literacy, digital literacy, digital and mobile technologies in the language classroom, participative research methodologies, and digital methodology. Her main research areas include the use of digital and mobile technologies in the language classroom; the oral language as a cognitive tool; digital literacy for a new era, digital ethnography, and collaborative action research. She is the author of the pedagogical online  resource: Capsules orales, Parler pour apprendre: l’oral au service de l’apprentissage en immersion (https://capsulesorales.csj.ualberta.ca/) et co-author with Lavoie , C.  (2018). La démarche didactique de la communauté de recherche lexicale : www.uqac.ca/crl . She has received the IT Ambassador Award from U of A for her outstanding technology leadership and contributions.

Dr. Zheng Zhang, PhD, is an Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada (zzhan58@uwo.ca). Her research interests include curriculum studies of transnational education, literacy and biliteracy curriculum, internationalization of curriculum, multimodal literacy, cross-border teacher education undergirded by new media literacies, and multiliteracies pedagogy in culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. These primary research areas have addressed pertinent educational challenges in the era of changes with increasing cultural and linguistic diversity, rapid global connectivity, and fast-paced technological changes.

Editorial Assistant

Samantha Browne, Editorial Assistant, Language and Literacy, Lakehead University (Orillia), Canada

English Copyeditor

Lara Polak, University of Alberta, Canada

Miana Whitfield, Lakehead University, Canada

Allison Gardiner, Lakehead University, Canada

French Copyeditor

Carmen Vella, Lakehead University, Canada

Miana Whitfield, Lakehead University, Canada