A Month in the Life of a Mailing List: Communication Among Science and Technology Librarians


  • Andrea L. Duda
  • Rosemary L. Meszaros
  • James W. Markham




Electronic mailing lists help librarians stay up to date with issues and activities in the profession. The number of mailing lists focusing on library-related topics is staggering -- there are 185 entries in the library and information science section of {The Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-Conferences}. (Kovacs, 1995). In order to look at how useful some of these lists are, what types of topics they cover, and the general nature of these mailing lists, we subscribed to the mailing lists below for a period of one month in the late spring of 1997.


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Berge, Zane L. 1992. "The Role of the Moderator in a Scholarly Discussion Group (SDG)." [{http://emoderators.com/wp-content/uploads/zlbmod.html}]

Collins, Mauri and Berge, Zane L. 1997. "The Moderators Home Page: Resources for Moderators and Facilitators of Online Discussion." [{http://emoderators.com/}]

Kovacs, Diane K. 1995. "The Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-Conferences." [{http://www.kovacs.com/directory/index.html}]

Muns, Raleigh. 1991-1994. "List Review Service" [http://www.umsl.edu/~muns/proddir/listrevs.htm]

Pisanty, A. and Labanowski, J.K. 1996. "Electronic mailing lists and chemical research -- a case study." TRAC: Trends in Analytical Chemistry 15(2): 53-56.

Smagorinsky, Peter. 1997. "Entering the electronic conversation." English Journal 86(4): 80-84.




How to Cite

Duda, A. L., Meszaros, R. L., & Markham, J. W. (1997). A Month in the Life of a Mailing List: Communication Among Science and Technology Librarians. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (15). https://doi.org/10.29173/istl1375



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