STS Heads of Science & Technology Libraries Discussion Group: Notes from ALA Midwinter Meeting, January 1, 1998
The Heads of Science & Technology Libraries Discussion Group had a very lively time in New Orleans. After a six course Louisiana dinner at Tujaques in the French Quarter and a brisk walk back to the Hilton for the meeting, we discussed licensing of electronic publications. Forty people attended, and we had presentations by Susan Barclay, Project Manager for the American Chemical Society's Electronic Projects, and Ann Okerson, Associate University Librarian at Yale, followed by a very spirited discussion.
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While ISTL has always been open access and authors have always retained the copyright of their papers without restrictions, articles in issues prior to no.75 were not licensed with Creative Commons licenses. Since issue no. 75 (Winter 2014), ISTL has licensed its work through Creative Commons licenses. Please refer to the Copyright and Licensing Information page for more information.