Data Sharing Interviews with Crop Sciences Faculty: Why They Share Data and How the Library Can Help.


  • Sarah C. Williams



This study was designed to generate a deeper understanding of data sharing by targeting faculty members who had already made data publicly available. During interviews, crop scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign were asked why they decided to share data, why they chose a data sharing method (e. g., supplementary file, repository), what were the benefits and drawbacks of the method(s) used, and what role they saw for the library to help facilitate data sharing. This article summarizes the participants' reasons for making data publicly available but also describes the challenges that they faced when sharing data. Most participants had not previously thought of the library for assistance with their data, but when asked how the library could help facilitate data sharing, they had a variety of ideas, which are presented in this article. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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How to Cite

Williams, S. C. (2013). Data Sharing Interviews with Crop Sciences Faculty: Why They Share Data and How the Library Can Help. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (72).



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