Marketing and Outreach for Science and Technology Libraries: Selected Resources


  • Maribeth Slebodnik



Features several Web sites and electronic information resources that offer information on marketing and outreach strategies for scientific, technical and medical libraries in the U.S. Brochure samples from the Chemistry Library at the University of Wisconsin in Madison; Number of academic library newsletters included in the College Library Newsletters webliography; List of Weblogs maintained by science librarians.


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Beach, M. & Floyd, E. 1998. Newsletter Sourcebook. Cincinnati, OH :Writer's Digest Books.

Butler, D. 2005. The expanding electronic universe: Joint efforts. Nature 438(7068): 548-549.

Cawthorne, J.E. 2003. Integrating outreach and building partnerships: Expanding our role in the learning community. C&RL News 64(10). [Online]. Available: {} [January 10, 2006].

DeCooman, D. 2005. Marketing Library Resources: An Annotated Bibliography. Elsevier Library Connect, Pamphlet #8 [Online]. Available: [January 10, 2006].

DeForest, J. & Reid, B. 2004. Annotated Bibliography: Librarians with Users Committee. CODES/RUSA, American Library Association. [Online]. Available: {} (Note: topic of bibliography is library liaison programs.) [January 11, 2006].

Fichter, D. 2003. Why and How to Use Blogs to Promote Your Library's Services. MLS - Marketing Library Services 17(6). [Online]. Available: [January 11, 2006].

Fisher, P.H. & Pride, M.M. 2005. Blueprint for Your Library Marketing Plan. Chicago, IL: American Library Association.

Harder, G. & Reichardt, R. 2003. Throw Another Blog on the Wire. Feliciter Issue #2, 85-88.

Lindsay, A. R. 2004. Marketing and Public Relations Practices in College Libraries: CLIP Note #34. Chicago, IL: American Library Association.

Reichardt, R. and Harder, G. 2005. Weblogs: Their Use and Application In Science and Technology Libraries. Science & Technology Libraries 25(3): 105-116.

Siess, J. 2003. The Visible Librarian: Asserting Your Value with Marketing and Advocacy. Chicago, IL: American Library Association.

Tennant, M. et al. 2001. Customizing for clients: Developing a library liaison program from need to plan. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 89(1):8-20. [Online]. Available: [January11, 2006].




How to Cite

Slebodnik, M. (2006). Marketing and Outreach for Science and Technology Libraries: Selected Resources. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (45).



Science and Technology Resources on the Internet
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