Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology and Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.


  • Cory Craig



The article reviews the databases Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology and Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. These databases are long-established and essential titles in many science and technology libraries. Subjects covered by the databases are stated. Moreover, this article provides details of how to use the databases.


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Bayert, A. 2006a. "Re: Questions on Kirk-Othmer and Ullmann's for Article." E-mail to Cory Craig []. Mar. 7, 2006.

Bayert, A. 2006b. "Re: 2 More KO-UL Questions." E-mail to Cory Craig []. Mar. 24, 2006.

Bottle, R. T. and Rowland, J. F. B. 1992. Information Sources in Chemistry, 4th edition. London, Bowker-Saur.

Chadwick, S. S. 1988. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry [review]. Reference Services Review 16(4): 31-34.

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Home Page. n.d. [Online]. Available: {} [Accessed: April 14, 2006].

Matley, J. 1986. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry [review]. Chemical Engineering 93(8): 95-98.

Maizell, R. E. 1987. How to Find Chemical Information: A Guide for Practicing Chemists, Educators, and Students, 2nd edition. New York, Wiley.

Maizell, R. E. 1998. How to Find Chemical Information: A Guide for Practicing Chemists, Educators, and Students, 3rd edition. New York, Wiley.

Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry Home Page. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: April 14, 2006].

Wiggins, G. 1991. Chemical Information Sources. New York, McGraw-Hill.

Wolman, Y. 1988. Chemical Information: A Practical Guide to Utilization, 2nd edition. New York, Wiley.




How to Cite

Craig, C. (2006). Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology and Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (46).



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