Author Identification Systems.
Many efforts are currently underway to disambiguate author names and assign unique identification numbers so that publications by a given scholar can be reliably grouped together. This paper reviews a number of operational and in-development services. Some systems like ResearcherId.Com depend on self-registration and self-identification of a researcher's articles. Some database producers are using a combination of computer algorithms and manual intervention to assign author identification numbers and thereby cluster publications as records are entered into their systems. Searchers doing author name searches can then use guided search features to review and select these clusters. Web of Knowledge offers Author Finder while Scopus has a similar Author Identifier feature. Various government agencies and non-profit organization are also implementing or planning to implement additional solutions such as CrossRef's ContributorID. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Enserink, M. 2009. Scientific publishing: are you ready to become a number? Science 323 (5922):1662-1664.
Neylon, C. (2009, January 20). A specialist OpenID service to provide unique researcher IDs? Message posted to: Science in the Open.
TePaske-King, B. and N. Richert. 2001. The identification of authors in the Mathematical Reviews Database. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship (31). [Online]. Available: [Accessed: June 25, 2009].
Thomson Reuters. 2008. Thomson Scientific launches Researcher to associate a researcher with their published works. [Online Press Release]. Available: {} [Accessed: June 25, 2009].
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