Tree of Science with Scopus: A Shiny Application




Tree of Science (ToS) is a scientific literature search tool that produces a small, selected list of citations from a larger pool of citations. Initially developed for searches in the Web of Science, this paper shows how to use it with bibliographic data from Scopus. This new Shiny web application analyzes data from Scopus. It processes a dataset from a Scopus search and creates three reports. The first one shows a descriptive analysis, the second one presents the Tree of Science of the search, and the third one presents a clustering analysis of the three main subtopics. The application is accessible from this link:


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How to Cite

Robledo, S., Zuluaga, M., Valencia-Hernandez, L.-A., Arbelaez-Echeverri, O. A.-E., Duque, P., & Alzate-Cardona, J.-D. . (2022). Tree of Science with Scopus: A Shiny Application. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (100).



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