Education for Street Children in Egypt: The Role of Hope Village Society


  • Muhammad M. Zain Al-Dien Al-Azhar University



The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the role of Hope Village Society (HVS) in Egypt in the provision of education to street children in order to establish its strengths and weaknesses to serve as lessons for other providers of education to street children. Data were collected using interview schedule and document analysis. Interviews were prepared conducted with eight of the management staff of HVS. The findings of the study reveal that HVS plays a major role in providing education for street children in Egypt. Since the establishment of HVS’s education programs in1995, it has recorded fluctuating enrolment rates. The participation of government organizations (GOs), non-government organizations (NGOs) and community at HVS’ education programs is less than expected. Like any other educational enterprise, HVS’s education programs are faced with quite a number of problems. The study recommends that the Egyptian government should offer more financial contributions to organizations that provide education to street children. There is also an immediate need to engage other possible partners of HVS’s education programs. Moreover, more research should be carried out in the area of pedagogy of street children.

Author Biography

Muhammad M. Zain Al-Dien, Al-Azhar University

Professor Department of Educational Policy Studies





