An Inquiry into Adolescents’ Experiences with Cognitively Demanding Writing: Time Investment and the Importance of Authenticity’


  • Jennifer Mitton-Kukner St. Francis Xavier University
  • Heather Michael Columbia University



In this paper, we describe our 12-month inquiry into understanding adolescents’ experiences, as they engaged in writing that challenged them to construct knowledge by making claims grounded in evidence and reasoning.While engaged in the task of writing a research paper, participants’ perceptions of time were two-fold in that they consistently identified a lack of time and a lack of understanding about the time the research paper demanded.We argue enabling students to have more temporal control over their writing is related to fostering increased metacognition about writing as a process.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Jennifer Mitton-Kukner, St. Francis Xavier University

Jennifer Mitton-Kükner is an Associate Professor of Assessment, Secondary Literacy, and Qualitative Research Methods in the Faculty of Education at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia. Her research interests include adolescent writing and writing instruction, multiliteracies in the content areas, teachers as researchers, and pre-service teachers and the LGBTQ community in schools.

Heather Michael, Columbia University

Heather Michael is a Doctoral student in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at Teachers College, Columbia University, and a graduate from the Masters in Education program at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia. Her research interests include adolescent identities, sociocultural literacies, and student experiences in the International Baccalaureate Program.




Comment citer

Mitton-Kukner, J., & Michael, H. (2019). An Inquiry into Adolescents’ Experiences with Cognitively Demanding Writing: Time Investment and the Importance of Authenticity’. Language and Literacy, 21(1), 75–97.


