Exploring Literacy Coach Research in Canada: A Review


  • Peng Liu University of Manitoba
  • Xuyang Li University of Manitoba
  • Zhuoma Ciren University of Manitoba




The purpose of this review is to understand literacy coach research in Canada in order to facilitate further research in this regard. Research about literacy coaches in Canada remains at an initial stage, and there is no universally accepted definition of a “literacy coach.” Most literacy coach research in Canada has used a qualitative method. The research has shown that literacy coaches in Canada, who act as both guides and supporters in schools, also experience many challenges such as role confusion and inadequate time for carrying out their work. Scholars believe that setting up coaching models and collaboration may be ideal ways to deal with these problems. This review also found that the research has concentrated on literacy coaches in elementary and secondary schools in Ontario. This article concludes with implications and suggestions for future research about Canadian literacy coaches. More analysis about literacy coaches’ identity, their relationships with other stakeholders in the education system, and the challenges they face is needed in the Canadian context.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Peng Liu, University of Manitoba

Dr. Peng Liu is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education of University of Manitoba. His research interests include Indigenous leadership, effective leadership, educational change, educational policy, teacher professional development, and international and comparative education. Dr. Liu earned his doctorate degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Dr. Liu has published articles in peer-reviewed journals including School Effectiveness and School Improvement, the Journal of Educational Administration, the International Journal of Leadership in Education, and International Studies in Educational Administration. He also serves as an associate editor for the International Journal of Comparative Education and Development.

Xuyang Li, University of Manitoba

Mr. Xuyang Li is a graduate student in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba.

Zhuoma Ciren, University of Manitoba

Ms. Zhuoma Ciren is a graduate student in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba.




Comment citer

Liu, P., Li, X., & Ciren, Z. (2021). Exploring Literacy Coach Research in Canada: A Review. Language and Literacy, 23(3), 129–145. https://doi.org/10.20360/langandlit29549


