Teaching composition with new literacies perspectives: “We’ll test it out and then let the kids run with it.”


  • Jill Kedersha McClay The University of Western Ontario
  • Shelley Stagg Peterson




We report on two studies of teaching composition in Canadian elementary and middle-level classrooms, focusing this paper on teachers who work with new literacies perspectives.  A study of 21 teachers in all 10 Canadian provinces provided evidence of a broad range of practices in composition instruction, and an ongoing action research study with two groups of teachers allows us to develop richer understandings of the ways in which teachers create curriculum with students to promote engaged and productive multimodal and digital composing practices.  Nine themes are discussed within two broad categories: administrative and organizational issues, and teachers’ stances and views of selves as learners and collaborators.



Comment citer

Kedersha McClay, J., & Stagg Peterson, S. (2013). Teaching composition with new literacies perspectives: “We’ll test it out and then let the kids run with it.”. Language and Literacy, 15(1), 39–57. https://doi.org/10.20360/G2ZP4K